Lord Help Me Prayer


Father God... We  are  moved  by what we see , hear , smell , touch  or taste...
We  are  not moved  by reason
We  are only  moved  by  Your Spirit  and  Your Word  and  we  know  YOUR Voice  and  we refuse to  follow  strangers  according to John 10: 27 
Our Seed  is mighty upon  the earth  according to Psalm 112:2. 
 Lord Jesus,
I  ask  you  to expand  my territories  to fill  me
and  increase  me in Your Holy Spirit  and anoint me
with Your power...

I   Ask  You  to lead  me in paths  of  righteousness  for Your Name Sake...
I  Bless  You , Praise  You , Worship  You, and commit all  that  I am  to  You  that your perfect will  be done  through me....
I  Ask  that You help me to cease  from my own labors  i do  so  by faith...

I  Ask  that You cause  me  to enter  Your Rest now
in Jesus Name  and I receive  that...
I  Ask  You  to release  warring and ministering  angels to minister and war on my behalf...
I  Ask  You  to fill this, Your Temple with as much
Shikinah  Glory  as  possible...

LORD, Help me to bear  the cross You  have prepared for me and  help  those in  my family...
I Ask  that  the Holy Spirit  speak  to my heart through  Your Word....
I Ask  that You  take out of me or do to me anything  You Want....

I Ask  that  the Word  I read   would be Engraved
into me and become  part   of me spirit , mind , will  and emotions....
I  Declare by Your Power, You  are  helping  and causing  me  to be  bold  , dauntless, fearless , confident , intrepid , valiant , standfast , faithful,
true  and loyal for Your Name's Sake.....

I  Ask  You  to deliver  me  where  I am  blind , wretched , naked  and poor I ask  for and need your help Lord....

I Ask   You  to help  me  not be the accuser  of the brethren  but  to teach  others  in gentleness to be a help  in season  to edify  to  exhort  and comfort  others....

I  Ask  For  Love  and Grace for  others and Grace from  You  Lord.
I ask for help that Your Love and Grace in me flow and be administered  to others by  Your Spirit  in me  to  manifest  Your  Presence  in and through  me....

I  Release   all  things into  Your hands  and commit   myself  unto  You  , trusting  You LORD...

I Ask  for Your help  that  You will  give  me  the  Word... that  You  would want  me  to give  to others...

Lord Forgive  me  my sins and help  me  to follow  Your direction....

I  Ask   that You  would  send  those  that  would  receive  the gift  of salvation  to me that I may witness them.
Let them ask  and receive  Father....

I Ask  that  You give me a clear  mind  and thoughts toward You , clear  will toward  You
and  clear  of  all emotional clutter ( This is all about You  Hearing You  is easier than thinking)

I ASK  YOU  to release  Your Love , Joy , Peace , Patience , Kindness , Goodness , Faithfulness ,  Gentleness , with long - suffering  and self - contorl  to flow over and in and throughout my life...i ask you to fashion  my heart like Yours, that Your fruit  will abound  in and through  me to others...

I  Ask  You Father  for a clear , sharp  healthy  mind and body in You....

Heavenly Father,  I ask for Your  perfect  Will being  worked  out through  my life and the  lives of those  that my life will touch as You direct  me....

I  Ask  You for eyes to see , ears to hear and a heart to comprehend  and receive  what the Holy Spirit  has  to say....

I  Ask  You  to guard  me   and my family  and friends  with many  angels  and  that  they  manifest  as needed
I  ask  you  to make  me alert, awake , sharp , and attenitive  in Your thoughts and ways.....

I  Ask  that  I prosper  in what  I put my Hands to do for You, I ask  you to renew  my youth  like the Eagles, I ask  for a heart like  Yours and growth  and maturity  to walk in it to the Fullest  with You  in Jesus Name....

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